this week, i felt, for the first time in my life, truly...BORN AGAIN.
it started with the movie "American Gospel: Christ Alone" (on Netflix til November!). then I began listening to the True Gospel series from the HeartCry Missionary Society (find it in Apple! one day, i will link to it from here).
so thankful for the life of Pastor Paul Washer. in two episodes (just a little under 3 hours) the Holy Spirit through his life made me see who i am, truly, without God: utterly, completely DEAD. in the third episode, he says of the story about Lazarus, "dead men can't hear. did you know that? and dead men can't stand up? and dead men can't obey commands. dead men can't even hear God. so not only did Jesus *command* Lazarus to come forth, He gave him LIFE to come forth."
apart from God, we are not just nothing. we are not just wicked. we are not just undeserving of all His mercy and grace. we are utterly dead. we are useless. we are garbage. we cannot do anything at all because dead people can't do anything at all. God saw nothing in us to save us. according to His own word (Proverbs 17:15), it is an ABOMINATION in the eyes of the Lord to justify the wicked! that is why, with Jesus on the cross, He had to be JUST and punish sin, pour out the wrath we deserved on His own Son, in order to be the JUSTIFIER of those who have faith in Jesus (Romans 3:16). and that word, incredible, how lovely, how beautiful, how precious. RIGHTEOUSNESS: to do right by someone.
God did right by HIMSELF. He HAS to punish the wicked. His own Law demands it. but He also HAS to love the wicked, because He IS love. and the only way to do right by Himself on all accounts is through the life of Jesus Christ. Wow.
God is much blasphemed nowadays in what we call "the Church". and that movie, American Gospel, gave me so much comfort during and after watching it. not only because for the first time the gospel as the Bible declares it was presented in the most accurate and sound of ways. BUT BECAUSE, in the end, God made me realize, that i HAVE the Truth, as He intends the Truth to be. I HAVE Jesus Christ. the way, the truth, the life.
and wow...what an incredible gift that is. what a privilege to know the Lord God Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, the author of my life. i can boast in nothing except in Christ crucified.
this is a short post, and i intend to come back to it, hopefully, and link some more recommendations so it's easier to access them, but for now, i'm praying for everyone out there who's struggling with the concept of God, and with their relationship with God, and those refusing to even acknowledge God. for now, God is working. God is working in my life. and i'm utterly amazed by Him.
P.S. Keturah, i see youuuuuuu! i'll reply to your thousand comments soon!
Your P.S. Hahahahhaah! Been loving stalking your lovely thoughts!!! ;D