the entry below is courtesy of Matt Walsh from a couple of years ago. mostly keeping it here to remind myself that my sins are so grave, the Son of God had to die for me... "I used to read the story of Our Lord’s Passion and come away horrified at the treachery and cowardice of nearly everyone around Jesus. I used to read about those who betrayed and denied and abused and killed Christ and find myself unable to understand them at all. They always seemed so foreign, so shocking. But as I’ve studied the story recently, I’ve begun to see it quite differently. I’ve realized that the most terrifying thing about the treacherous characters of the Passion is not that they are foreign, but that they are deeply and terribly relatable. If I’m being honest, I must admit that I see myself in every act of betrayal and violence inflicted upon Our Lord. I see that I am Judas. How many time have I betrayed Jesus with a kiss, pledging my fidelity to Him in one moment and then in the next selling Hi...
to excel in words and proclaim the excellence of the Word