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Showing posts from June, 2020

i'll meet the raging of the skies but not an angry father;

speaking of fun, y'all... i'm a late bloomer in the vampire weekend fandom, which means i've only recently heard their last album, released last year, father of the bride... in any case, through an internet rabbit-hole which begun with alice seeking acoustic versions of vampire weekend, she was thus led to an ezra-koenig-of-vw-only acoustic set, in which ezra plays several songs off fotb by himself while in japan, and from which we discover that vw has always released bonus tracks in the japanese versions of their album... which brings us HERE:  yes, that's jude law reciting thomas campbell's Lord Ullin's Daughter with the absolutely gorgeous piano version of "big blue" in the background. this is probably something you didn't know you needed; i understand. i didn't think i did either.  but listen to those arbitrary quacks...the roars of the raging seas...the tempestuous thunderstorms...AND JUDE LAW RECITING POETRY, and vampire weekend releasing...

the importance of being fun;

writing this from the mindset of defeat --   to begin this epic blog adventure, i had drafted this whole spiel about beginnings and endings months ago, about how i fail greatly at the latter (ending things) and succeed with flying colors at the former (beginning things), and there’s something about endurance and also, something deep.    alas, that original blog post draft is now enslaved by weebly, because i have forgotten the password to weebly, and that account is tied to an email address that i can no longer get into because the password to that email was saved on my phone notes and my phone is defunct, so i can’t access said password, which means i can’t access the email, which means i can’t do a Forgot password with weebly...   so scratch that.    i’m writing this from the mindset of defeat, thinking, how does one dig one’s self out of the pit of utter defeat that one has dug for one’s self that begun with finding out that the last agent she has querie...